Eat That Frog With a POMODORO

Muneeba Habib
1 min readDec 30, 2020

Actually pomodoro is technique use to fight against the bad habit of postponing till the last minute.

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment”

I used this technique to accomplish my little goals. I didn’t find it difficult because when I started my work I just forgot that I’ve set a timer of 25 minutes but luckily I remembered to note down all the distractions which came during the task otherwise I would have to do this experiment from the beginning.

While I was working on the task, I received my friend’s message and unconsciously visit WhatsApp but realized at once and turned on ‘do not disturb’. Then my sister started sharing a short clip of a series. But in spite of the fact that I literally love thet series I managed to focus on my work because first alarm had made me ears deaf and I didn’t want that again.

Well, it helped me a lot as I tackled all distractions smartly so my target was achieved before the deadline I’ve set for it.

As I successfully completed this experiment so I’m going to start implementing this technique from today in each task.

